West Gate Park Anime Plot. An anime television series adaptation of the original novel by doga kobo aired from october to december 2020. Zerochan has 7 ikebukuro west gate park anime images, and many more in its gallery.
Doga kobo (how heavy are the. The anime was originally supposed to air in july but, due to the pandemic, was delayed to october. In a break from traditional japanese programming, the series used edgy.
Eventually, makoto is confronted by the men from the bar and they take him out.
3.15 · rating details · 20 ratings · 3 reviews. The story for the anime series is based on the ikebukuro west gate park novel series by japanese author ira ishida. «ikebukuro west gate park» si svolge nel quartiere ikebukuro della città di tokio. Before leaving him they warn him to never show his face again in ueno.