Super Lovers Anime Summary. Super lovers is a story about haru and ren, two “brothers” separated only by the bounds of society and maybe fifteen years of age, give or take. Find similar anime based on genres & themes.
We’re looking forward to your contributions! الحلقة الرابعة 04 من أنمي super lovers مترجمه anime way أنمي وي. While spending summer with his mother, haru meets ren, a boy newly adopted by his mother.
Comedy , drama , romance.
For more information and source. But the story itself might get confusing at some points in this series by miyuki abe. The development of the relationship between the two is initially hindered not only by haru's amnesia, but also by his two other younger siblings who refuse to accept this new little brother. On top of that, just when ren begins to warm up to haru, tragedy strikes.