Blood Bank Anime Trailer. The story follows kimimaro yoga, an economics student who is introduced to the alternate reality of the financial district, where people bet their own futures in battles. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the fractured dominant race plots their survival;
Mitsugu bamba is a high school girl who is crazy about donating her blood, to the point that she feels compelled to visit a local blood bank despite the unfriendly nurse. Entres—the series' term for the fighters—can accumulate large quantities of money by winning. You are at the center of a war against the ridden.
Mamoru oshii is a famous japanese filmmaker whose career has spanned over 40 years.
Meanwhile, a researcher works with a covert band of vamps on a way to save humankind. One day, mitsugu encounters a. Tell me my fellow yaoi fans if you have heard this one before…. Instead, she suddenly starts trashing the blood bank.